Thursday, October 27, 2011


Ya know I've noticed a definite change in my outlook on pooh.  Not the exclamation used to express disgust but, by definition, excrement.  Since traveling we have had to leash our dogs and walk them so they can pooh.  Prior to this we had woods the dogs could go into and pooh to their hearts content.  I didn't have to see it or smell it.  Now several times a day, Millie is very poohy, I have to bag their pooh.   I will now  use the definition of pooh to express intense disgust.  "Oh, pooh."  You'd think I'd be most used to it by now, however, after a particularly strong odor this morning I almost gagged.  There really is no solution to this pooh issue except to get over it.  Well, I'm trying but still...

Friday, October 21, 2011


Time is not my friend.  Just because I've slowed down doesn't mean time has to speed up.  It seems that October has come and is walking out the door before I had a chance to notice.  Not like I'm doing anything to take my mind off what is going on around me, but here in Livingston it is easy to just mosey and let days turn to weeks.  I mosey on up to get the mail, walk the dogs, read a book, talk to friends.  Yesterday we had a long laid back lunch with friends at the Hitching Post. Outdoor country eatin' at its finest.  Today I notice I have 10 days to enjoy my favorite month.  Maybe I'll go out and take more pictures. 

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Gentility is not Dead

We visited Fayetteville, Texas this weekend.  Our friend arranged for us to stay at his inlaws Bed and Breakfast country home.  Although Kendall and Sherman had only met us once before, their graciousness made our stay most enjoyable.  Not only were we comfortable but we were made to feel that our company was desirable.   Two well fed and well behaved Schnauzers greeted us as well.  Including our dogs,  Phoebe and Millie, who were welcomed into the house, we had four dogs sharing the country chic home and expansive, beautiful yard with us.
Saturday the Lick Skillet fair was held on the town square.  No one could come up with an explanation for the name except it was an excuse for a good time.  That night we listened to a great band and watched people dance the waltz and two-step.  I even got asked to dance one dance.  My partner tried hard to teach me how to dance to country music. I think I'll need many more lessons especially after I stepped on his toes several times.
To top it off  several quaint restaurants in out of the way places offered  good eatin'.  Good food, good company, good times.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Rainbow Drive

A sweet little enclave of like minded spirits, our campers and RVs huddle together.  What brought each of us here presents as many stories as there are people.  Setting up the camper is down to a science now, giving me plenty of time to allow my eyes to roam while going about the business of hooking up. As I stood gazing about to check out the neighbors, I saw a shadow flitting across the window of the 5th wheel next door. I stared at the movement to see if the neighbor was checking me out, and indeed he was.  I couldn't hear what was emitting from its open mouth but as my eyes adjusted it appeared I was staring at a monkey.  But wait, not one but two monkeys.  Now a lot of people think monkeys are cute and all but the creep-o-meter I mentioned last post was showing an  8 or 9.  Never understanding what people saw in the little creatures, I shivered and ran to Vic telling him of our misfortune.  He only shrugged  as if it were an everyday occurrence.  My precious little neighbor, Nancy, from in back of us was standing nearby and tried to console me in my time of incredulous shock.  She brought me pictures of her introduction to  the monkeys and assured me the owner was very careful and never let them out of the trailer unless on a leash.  I have yet to meet the owner, but what a story he must have, huh? 

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Goodbye Campbellsville, Hello world.

We're on our way.  Tuesday morning we left Campbellsville, Ky.  Monday Vic picked me up at mom's in Bath, Ohio.  My visit  there was two weeks short and I was reluctant to leave all except the secret boarder. A very large tarantula that resides in my brother's room.  A ten on the creep-out-meter.  (Click on"Leaving a Trail" in the right hand column of this page to see the pictures.)  Got back to Campbellsville, packed up and  headed out for Livingston, TX by way of Birmingham, AL.  and camped at Oak Mountain State Park.  We spent a glorious time with kids and grandkids and did some hiking at the park.  Again, more pictures.  Now in Somerdale, AL  and cruised today to see the sights.   Fort Morgan beach with its pristine,  white,  bright sand and great, roaring surf served up a portion of tranquility much needed at the moment.    Orange Beach offered Thunder on the Gulf boat exhibit.  What exquisite  beauty and power.  I only wish we could watch them race but this caravan is heading west tomorrow.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Talking to Myself

When I write these blogs, it's like talking to myself.  These words float around in cyberspace like so much space junk forgotten and neglected.  There is one redeeming quality to writing this blog.  One person reads it, my mom.  Like an astronomer carefully monitoring a newly discovered star, mom reads every entry and mentally takes note of my brilliance as only a mom can.  I've had the extreme pleasure of spending time with mom these last two weeks here in Bath, Ohio.  She is a spry 84 years old carrying on with courage and faith after dad's death last December.  Her faith, an inspiration and example makes me proud to be her daughter. 
Autumn has clearly arrived here in Bath, the trees greeting the season waving leafy banners in bright colors.  The chill in the air energizes the senses and even slogging through all the rain we've had raises gratitude in my heart for the time I've spent here.  Returning to Texas in a couple of days, I'll transition back to summer again, where rain and chilly air are a distant memory for its residents.  As a southern girl I'll welcome the shirt-sleeve weather but look forward to returning to Bath in the near future for a true winter experience.  Thanks mom.