Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Boy Howdy

Well yes it has been too long since my last post.  To be honest living in Terrell, Texas was not my best moment.  Vic was driving truck gone weeks at a time and there really was nothing to say about that.
However, our trip to Las Vegas and back was a blast.  We left Terrell 2 weeks ago.  Our first leg of the trip west was to Canyon, Texas, a small town south of Amarillo.   Inundated with 30 mph head winds and rain the whole way, we expected more of the same when we entered Palo Dura canyon. As we pulled up to the park entrance however, the clouds parted, the sun warmed our faces and the wind died down.  We call these little moments God winks.  So as God winked we drove to the bottom of the canyon to camp and hike the trails in sunlight, fresh air and warm breezes. To say the canyon is beautiful is an understatement.  We are totally agreed that this is one of the top 10 places to see in the US.  Regretfully we could only stay the night since at the time Vic was due to take a job in Vegas and we had to move on.  The next morning as we prepared to leave, we were blessed with the sight of a rainbow over the rim of the canyon.  Naturally we took pictures and left with a smile in our hearts.
As I am writing this I plan to write about our experiences to Vegas, however, we are going to move from our current site tomorrow and because we are in the boondocks of Texas we probably will not have access to the internet.  So the next installment will be forthcoming but not until we find connectivity.