Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Fourth of July

I hope everyone had a great 4th. Perhaps had a little gratitude moment for our country and the men and women who fight for our freedom and way of life.  I'm guilty lately of complaining way too much about the insanity going on in D.C. and elsewhere around the USofA and the world.  Recently I spent time with my grandson for his 1st birthday and was able to put my fears for this country and the world aside and thank God for family and friends.  Who could possibly resist the smile and giggle of a one year old.

A little gratitude goes a long way.  

Shiitake Village update.  Many people have donated money to our Kickstarter project.  All we need is 100 more people to donate $50 each or 200 people at $25 each etc.  Seriously, this has been fun and motivating for me.  We're working hard and have 40 bags in various stages of production and  so much more to do.  

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