Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Back in Kentucky on the Green River Lake. We have a great view of the lake just yards from our trailer. I got up early enough yesterday to watch the sun rise over the water. We haven't been in a family campground this populated in a while. Every space was occupied. It was great chatting with the neighbors, watching the kids of all ages having so much fun. Tons of boaters, skiers, tubers and fishing and swimming. At night the fire pits burn bright at each campsite and laughter everywhere. That was this weekend. Now most are gone and I'm watching a lone fisherman out on the lake. Very quiet. The windows are wide open and the breeze is luscious. Listening to my favorite tunes. Really a good day.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Wow, here I am again. At least I think this will work. We totally overhauled the laptop and hopefully this will work. I tried to get my email and that didn't pan out so I guess some things work and some don't. We have three more weeks here in Mayo then we're on to Campbellsville Ky. Looking forward to visiting with grandsons and parents of course. Recently took a trip with my daughter to Nashville to see son, daughter-in-law and of course the cutest 15 month old baby girl that ever graced this universe. Of course I'm not biased. But hey I guess its the one license grandparents get for free: grandbaby bias license. The pools here at Suwannee River Resort are finished and gorgeous. We take advantage of the hot tub, jacuzzi and swimming pool as much as possible. The grounds are graced with statuesque palms an flowering shrubs. I feel like I'm on some far away island. Lately it has been storming every afternoon. And speaking of that I need to get back to the camper before the down pour. So happy to be back on line at least today.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Way Out There

I have been attempting to find a way to blog without intetnet acces. I realized I could try from my phone but absolutely have no patience with the q werty key board. We are here in Mayo Florida om the Suwannee River. Hopefully I can post soon but no promises.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Back from Vegas

On our way back from Las Vegas we stopped in Congress, Arizona mainly because there is a campground there run by the Escapees organization.  If you are a member, the fees for full hook-up are $15.50 to 17.50 a night.  We really didn’t know what to expect way out there in the high desert, and were pleasantly surprised by all the local color.  We even stayed over a couple of extra days due to the bright and shining jewels we found.  To begin with it was the perfect time of year: wondrous spring bringing forth blossoms of magnificent beauty: Saguaro high on a desert mountain silhouetted against a sunset, barrel cactus adorning rocky pathways and all the heads of the prickly pear baring witness to survival in an otherwise barren landscape. The annual blooming adds a certain mystery and anticipation.  Without the unfolding of these delicate blossoms, hopeful anticipation would sorely be diminished and the desert would truly become a no-man’s landscape. 

The Escapees North Ranch is a tribute to desert living.  Well appointed tree-lined RV sites, the neatly landscaped permanent neighborhoods, and the lovingly designed cactus garden offered the perfect oasis.  Jack rabbits inhabited the area and added to our enjoyment as we watched Phoebe’s doggy ecstasy during her chase after these illusive creatures.  

We took forays into surrounding areas and found the towns of Wickenburg, Stanton, and Prescott.  Wickenburg was delightful with its walking trail around town lined with whimsical bronze life-size sculptures. The Desert Caballeros Western Museum is one of the premier locations for the best western art available.  The town is only 60 miles north of Phoenix and only 15 miles from Congress so it is definitely worth the trip.
On the opposite side of the spectrum is Stanton.  We drove about 12 miles over a washboard dirt road to see the gold prospector/campers and ghost town.  Many people go up there to actually pan for gold and some find it.  That's why Stanton came into existence in 1863-gold in them thar hills.

We then took the most awesome trip to Prescott.  We began at about 2000 feet above sea level and climbed along a very winding road carved out of the side of the mountains to a little over 6000 feet.  The road had so many hairpin turns that there were signs prohibiting big trucks.  The country at that elevation levels out to plateaus with lush vegetation and many cattle and horse ranches.  Beautiful.  Prescott is a great town with a mixture of western and wholistic living, if that makes sense. I think Prescott College has a lot to do with that since they offer Liberal Arts degrees in Environment studies and Social Justice. Their programs send students all over the US and the world to get practical experience.

We very much enjoyed Arizona and look forward to a return visit.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Lookin' Back

Traveling out here in the ol' US of A is magnificent.  This spring we were in Las Vegas and had a blast.  As we traveled west our surroundings became more and more other worldly. The landscape morphed into rock; rock mountains and canyons that exuded their own type of beauty as far as the eye could see.  When we first arrived we made a beeline for our friends house in Henderson and stayed a couple of days with them.  We were only going to spend the night in their very lovely home and find a place to stay the next morning but unfortunately Vic came down with a nasty flu bug and we stayed on for another couple nights until he felt human enough to move us to Arizona Charlie's RV park and casino.  The next day I got the flu and was out of commission for several days.  Thank goodness Bob and Mary escaped the bug.  By the next weekend we were ready for some Casino fun. We all played the slots and ate well. I had the best time cutting up and laughing with our friends back at their place. I am so grateful for friends like Bob and Mary.  Not only did they put up with us being sick,  and our dogs eating their Cats' food, but our truck brakes needed repairs and Bob helped Vic for a whole day getting all that fixed. During that time Mary, bless her heart. tried to teach me how to crochet.   I did learn a few stitches and she sent me off with yarn and some crochet hooks to continue the hat I started.  Mary crochets hats and scarves for the homeless and I think she had about thirty sets finished for this coming winter.  She has a real talent, one I wish would have rubbed off on me.  I'll keep trying Mary.

I for one have always dreamed of going to  Lake Mead.  After we settled at Arizona Charlie's campground and casino we explored the area.  I was delighted to find  a paddle wheel boat tour of the lake near Boulder Dam.  We thoroughly enjoyed the ride between the rock mountains that surround the lake.  Enamored with the mountains and the subtle changes in color marked by eons of formation, we took scores of pictures.  We also visited Boulder Dam and climbed (in the truck) to the highest point.  Breathtaking.

For us it was a great place to visit and we have plans to return.  Vic had an opportunity to work in Vegas but we could not see ourselves living there. We are basically small town folk, not used to scores of homeless on the streets and razor wire on the walls to keep undesirables away from the downtown casinos.  Our dogs had a hard time adjusting their toilet to gravel, pebbles and little bits of grass they could find.  Alas, we said farewell to our good friends and headed back east in search of vegetation and smaller towns.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Boy Howdy

Well yes it has been too long since my last post.  To be honest living in Terrell, Texas was not my best moment.  Vic was driving truck gone weeks at a time and there really was nothing to say about that.
However, our trip to Las Vegas and back was a blast.  We left Terrell 2 weeks ago.  Our first leg of the trip west was to Canyon, Texas, a small town south of Amarillo.   Inundated with 30 mph head winds and rain the whole way, we expected more of the same when we entered Palo Dura canyon. As we pulled up to the park entrance however, the clouds parted, the sun warmed our faces and the wind died down.  We call these little moments God winks.  So as God winked we drove to the bottom of the canyon to camp and hike the trails in sunlight, fresh air and warm breezes. To say the canyon is beautiful is an understatement.  We are totally agreed that this is one of the top 10 places to see in the US.  Regretfully we could only stay the night since at the time Vic was due to take a job in Vegas and we had to move on.  The next morning as we prepared to leave, we were blessed with the sight of a rainbow over the rim of the canyon.  Naturally we took pictures and left with a smile in our hearts.
As I am writing this I plan to write about our experiences to Vegas, however, we are going to move from our current site tomorrow and because we are in the boondocks of Texas we probably will not have access to the internet.  So the next installment will be forthcoming but not until we find connectivity.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Laugh Out Loud

When I am alone in the camper trailer there are few instances when I actually laugh out loud, however this morning I found myself hysterically funny and had a good belly laugh. In the past when I would drag myself home from teaching all day physically and emotionally exhausted, I would fantasize about being in the middle of nowhere in a small dwelling with nothing to do.  This morning I caught myself complaining in my head about being in the middle of nowhere in this little RV with nothing to do. I remembered my fantasy and thus the giggle.
I have to admit that God has given me what I wanted. He seems to want my happiness and thus grants my small requests. But I worry about how God will use me. I attach circumstance, people or places to my worries of whether God will use me or not. So I worry when I think I may not be where I'm supposed to be. Worry, worry, worry.  Well here is what I read in Phillip Yancey's daily readings from Grace Notes this morning. "Wealth, poverty, comfort, suffering, acceptance, rejection, even death or life---none of these circumstances matter much to Paul.  Only one thing matters ultimately: the surpassing goal of exalting Christ, a goal that can be accomplished in any set of circumstances."  I am comforted and overjoyed. All I have to do is allow God to direct my life and trust He knows what to do with me. My job is to exault Christ no matter what.  Big smile.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Well 21 years of marriage seems like some kind of accomplishment. I married my best friend and we work hard to understand each other. We know our own short comings and forgive each other often. We enjoy being together and therefore must adjust when we have to be apart which, lately, has been  often. We are willing to compromise but also know when compromise may undermine the integrity of the other and therefore the relationship.We give each other space to pursue an idea or dream even if one of us does not agree. We allow each other to make mistakes. We encourage the artist within and celebrate creativity. We laugh and remind each other not to take the world so seriously. We harness our tongues when angry and talk things out when cooler heads prevail. Romance is the twinkle in his eye or a special smile. May be not perfection but it got us this far. 

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Here's the Thing

Our travels have been side-lined for now with the need to earn a living. However, the surrounding area offers a large number of places to explore. Yesterday for example we traveled through Rockwall, Texas just to see the sights. Massive stone mansions crowded the outskirts. I stared in wonderment at the opulent  dwellings complete with rounded stone turrets.  Had I been transported into old England? 
 As we traveled into Rockwall proper we were surrounded by high-end shops and restaurants covering every square inch of ground for miles upon miles.  Lake Glen Hubbard shone beautifully in the midst of elegant hotels and structures we couldn't get close enough to for identification.  Granted we didn't take too much time to explore.  It was below freezing and the wind was wicked.  Come nicer weather I will be sure to check out more of Rockwall.
Just an aside - My mind wanders and wonders about the people in all sorts of dwellings I pass on the road. Today a I wondered. If I had the millions of dollars to build a huge stone mansion, would I?  Probably not.  It isn't  me to blatantly consume.  I would feel piggish.  I feel that way at times in my little RV when I think of all the people in the world that don't even have enough to eat for the day.  I am not here to judge, only to observe.  If I won the lottery say 150 million who's to say what I would do?  I would naturally spend it on myself; take care of the mortgage I'm upside down in, pay off the credit card and then give away a great portion to family and charities.  But all is moot.  I am in a great nation of power and wealth, the low man (or woman, in my case) on the totem pole. 

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Well here I am alone for the first time in 21 years.  Filling the days hasn't been so hard, though.  Living in a camper always presents something to do, making sure I have enough propane to keep warm and to cook with.  Emptying the grey tank and black tank.  Keeping things organized so clutter does not become a problem.  Living on the road is also a challenge when it comes to banking but nothing major.  The Personal Banker has been very helpful and understanding.  Oh yeah, going to the laundry mat takes up a lot of time.  Here in Blue Bonnet Ridge RV Park there is quite a bit of land to roam around on.  The pond is large and is stocked with a variety of fish.  The dogs and I take lots of walks.  So far it has been windy and cold so we don't get out too much.  I still have a lot of exploring to do around this area and look forward to new adventures.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Silence is Golden but for How Long?

This long winter's nap is coming to an end. So once I again I am tapping the keys.  Living and traveling in an RV has been quite challenging. We found out that it is very expensive, more so than we planned  for, to retire and see the world.  We looked into the "work camper"  life and found that basically most work camp jobs are only for free lot fees and electricity or minimum wage which does not cover expenses when you still have a mortgage to pay.  We have been lucky so far to keep our heads above water, but to continue to do so Vic has gone back to work full time as a truck driver.  We have landed in Terrell, Texas which is 35 miles east of Dallas. 
Here at Blue Bonnet Ridge RV Park, I am enjoying warmer temperatures than encountered in Ohio and Kentucky in November, December and January.  This is a great little community and I feel safe and secure here.  The grounds are immaculate and the management is A number 1 in my book.  They have already helped me tremendously.  As soon as I get organized with banking, bills and the mundane, I may try to find a job as well.  When I retired it was only from the teaching field not from the working world.  However I have the luxury of taking my time to find out what Terrell and the surrounding area has to offer.
The park is 5 miles outside of Terrell in a rural area surrounded by ranch land.  Terrell itself appears low income and run down. However it has character and  offers enough retail to be comfortable.  Vic is driving for Texas Star Express located 25 miles from here in Rockwall Texas which is an awesome area located on Lake Ray Hubbard. I'm sure I'll be visiting Rockwall often.  Here's to my return blogging and hopefully many more to come.