Thursday, October 27, 2011


Ya know I've noticed a definite change in my outlook on pooh.  Not the exclamation used to express disgust but, by definition, excrement.  Since traveling we have had to leash our dogs and walk them so they can pooh.  Prior to this we had woods the dogs could go into and pooh to their hearts content.  I didn't have to see it or smell it.  Now several times a day, Millie is very poohy, I have to bag their pooh.   I will now  use the definition of pooh to express intense disgust.  "Oh, pooh."  You'd think I'd be most used to it by now, however, after a particularly strong odor this morning I almost gagged.  There really is no solution to this pooh issue except to get over it.  Well, I'm trying but still...


  1. I can relate (kind of) we are selling our house and whenever the realtor comes over during the time we are working, my two little buddies usually leave a welcome for them in the living room. (our 16 year old is having a tough time in the poo holding pattern lately). Mr. Lee

  2. Sometimes the best we can do is accept a burden without too much bitching. Some things (like pooh) are not really meant to inspire or thrill.
