Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Leaving a Crack in the Door

Having to leave a crack in the door for now.  Leaving teaching was the easy part but beginning a new lifestyle not so easy in these days and times.  We join the woes of middle America leaving a house still for sale in Georgia.  Our new home, the Chapparal Lite travel trailer fits us perfectly.  We had to downsize considerably but it was a conscious choice to delete all the unnecessary flotsum and jetsum that one accumulates over the course of years engaged in home ownership.  We are bare bones and I love everything about it.  Not being ones who enjoy housekeeping or yard work, we now enjoy pursuing our real interests and hobbies.  Of course we still have to put food on the table but as we roll along, opportunities seem to come our way.  Our first place of residence is LaGrange, Texas.  A very quaint and likeable town.  We also have friends here who are more than willing to show us the quirks and highlights of the area.  We are camped on the Colorado River in a very quiet and beautifully kept RV park offering all the amenities you could ask for.  I am learning to live one day at a time, and make the most of the time I have. 

Going through this gateway has relieved me of tunnel vision.  Emotionally and physically weary from my teaching job, I came home and crashed. I saw nothing, spoke only when spoken to,  then went to bed  just to get up the next morning hoping I had the energy to get through the day.  Decidedly not a way to live.  Out here in the wide open spaces I can take joy in the people I meet and the diversity everywhere I look.  Who'd a thought it, while walking my dogs at a gas stop we round the back corner and there sits an old man, beard to his waist in full lotus position.  I thought I'd been beamed to India.  I smiled, he smiled then said, "Better watch that pond thar's gators init."  I'm still deciding if those words had any cosmic or karmic meaning.  Yesterday we met a couple who are bicycling across the USA.  Get this, they are volunteering as they go, did you hear me, volunteering!  That is the greatest concept of the week.  Go safely Kristine and Kevin you have definitely inspired me.  Their web site is if you're interested. So you see what a wonderful, diverse place we live in.  What a gateway, ya'll.  and I'm just peering through at the moment.

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